
Product Description

The BELLAVISTA 1000E® offers a full spectrum of high performance features in a compact size including:

  • Adaptive Ventilation Mode – A smart ventilation mode faster weaning and a reduction of manual settings
  • High Flow Oxygen Therapy improves the oxygenation of patients while enhancing patient comfort
  • Lung Recruitment Tool provides an automated recruitment maneuver that is reliable and reproducible.
  • Synchrony tools – Improved patient synchrony with auto.sync, auto.rise and auto.leak
  • SettingAssist – Foresee all ventilation settings with a comfortable and easy to use display
The comprehensive features include:

  • Neonatal to Adult ICU ventilator with high definition 17.3” touchscreen
  • Intuitive user interface
  • Adaptive Ventilation Mode
  • High Flow Oxygen Therapy
  • Advanced NIV features
  • Lung Recruitment Tool
  • Minimum of 3 hours battery capacity

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