Vyaire™ Bird
Microblender High Flow
The versatile MicroBlender High Flow features delivery of accurate FIO2 mixtures from two outlet ports. Overall flow range of 2 to 120 LPM. Ideal product when high demands of blended gas are required. Used as a stand-alone device for mask CPAP, nasal cannula and resuscitation bags.

Vyaire™ Bird
Microblender Low Flow
Perfect for air, ground and in-house transports as well as infant applications, MicroBlender Low Flow features accurate blends at a flow range of 3 to 30 LPM with no gas bleed flow, or 0 to 30 LPM with a minimal 2.5 to 3.5 LPM gas bleed flow.

Bird Sentry 2
2 MODELS: High and Low Flow. Vyaire Medical offers a diverse line of Bird Blenders for a variety of applications, including options for NICUs and transport. Incorporates oxygen analyser/monitor.

UltraBlender Low Flow
The UltraBlender has the same specifications as the MicroBlender low flow, but includes two pressure compensated flowmeters mounted to either side. Available in a variety of different configurations, the UltraBlender is a good option for NICUs and PICUs. It can also be used as a stand-alone device for mask CPAP, nasal cannulas and resuscitation bags.
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